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By Invitation


William & Mary Washington Center
901 4th St. NW

cross street: I (Eye) St. NW 
Washington DC 20001


The DC Bar Association building has a dedicated lot. Additional lots are nearby, including one on 5th St. and I (Eye) NW.

Street parking is also usually available. 



Noon      -  Lunch 
(from Baan Siam - vegetarian and non-spicy options will be available)

12:10pm -  Introductory Remarks
12:15pm -  Introductory Panel
1:15pm   -  Break
1:30pm   -  Breakout Group Framing Remarks 
1:45pm   -  Breakout Discussions
2:45pm   -  Break
3:00pm   -  Regroup 
3:30pm   -  Closing Remarks and Refreshments

map of DC Bar Assoc..jpg
Parking near 4thandISt. - Bar Assoc..jpg


2076 marks the 300th Anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.  Futureproofing strategies attempt to minimize and mitigate future anticipated harms. This policy workshop brings together experts from industry, civil society, government, and the academy to envision what AI governance structures may be required for futureproofing democracy and anticipate what 2076 might bring without a deliberate effort to engage in crossdisciplinary strategic planning. Topics will include an AI Bill of Rights, advancing democracy-centered corporate social responsibility initiatives, benchmarking best practices in global AI ethics principles, cybersecurity risks of generative AI, disinformation campaigns and content moderation, and transparency and AI equity.

What's nearby?

Suggested Hotels:

AC Hotel (new in 2022) 
Marriott Marquis


Suggested Nearby Restaurants:

Quick breakfast: 
- Pearl's Bagels (delivers)
- A Baked Joint (delivers)
- Brew'd 
- Tatte (delivers)
- La Colombe (Chinatown)

Leisurely brunch: 
- D'Lena
- Busboys and Poets
- Ottoman Taverna*
- Founding Farmers & Distillers

Dinner and drinks: 
- Ciel (top of AC hotel)
- D'Lena
- L'Ardente*
- Love Makoto

- Alta Strada*
- Ottoman Taverna*

* Michelin rated

Time to DCA:

Driving - Approximately 30 minutes in non-rush hour traffic


Closest stops - Judiciary Square, Gallery Place, Union Station, and Convention Center

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